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The Benefits of Custom Web Development | Tritan Solutions |

Bhavna Singh

Benefits of custom web development • Unique features tailored to your business • Custom building your website allows you to completely avoid unnecessary functionality and bloatware


The Benefits of Custom Web Development


In the contemporary world, it seems incomprehensible that any company would operate without some form of an online (Digital) presence. And although many businesses have acknowledged the capacity of social media by utilizing it as a marketing platform to illustrate their companies to the world, that’s no longer sufficient to set you apart from the competition. That’s because nearly all businesses now have a science – no matter how minor it would be.
Enter websites. To lay yourself apart from the competition, the least you require is a website that shows your organization's information and that explains your potential clients who you are and what you do.

There are 3 major ways you can create your business website:

  • Website builder platforms (Wix, SITE123, 1&1, etc)
  • Open source content management systems (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc)
  • Custom websites professionally created from scratch and tailored to your business requirements.
Each of these comes with its benefits and drawbacks, though today we want to discuss the major advantages of utilizing custom website development services.

1. Uniqueness

When utilizing a website builder or CMS software, you’re normally provided a ready-made theme to function with unless, of course, you pay to have one custom-built, though this can be costly. This theme enables you to place specific elements on pages in preset colors and an illusion of uniqueness, when reallocated to the theme’s restrictions, although you’re building something utilizing, it will inevitably look very related to the hundreds, or perhaps thousands, of different websites out there utilizing the same theme.

With a custom website, there is no theme. The architecture of your website is created to your specifications and does not carry any impediments or restrictions on how the site will appear like. The uniqueness will furthermore set your site apart from your competitors, enabling you to create your site around the client journey and concentrating the design and development on the narrative that your clients are most likely to pursue.

2. Speed

  • A lot of website builders and CMSs come with plenty of built-in functionality. This is to tour for as many various users as possible, enabling these systems and platforms to target the largest feasible customer base. The problem is that every website created utilizing these platforms comes with all of this functionality, regardless of whether it requires it or not.
  • This bloatware, as it is generally known, can not only improve the complexity as a user but furthermore influence the specialized structure of the site which, in turn, can influence the time it takes the website to the lad.
  • Website load times are crucial for your company and can be the difference between landing and losing a client, particularly since users look at websites on mobile devices utilizing mobile broadband. It’s such a huge problem that Google weighed in through the DoubleClick platform, publishing a white paper on how speed influences publisher revenue, which indicates that over 50% of website visits are abandoned if a page takes longer than 3 seconds to load.
  • Custom building your website enables you to avoid excessive functionality and bloatware. In addition to averting excessive functionality, create optimize of the functions for your site enables you to optimize not only the functionality but furthermore the design for these functions, further lessening load times.

3. Security

  • Website security has constantly been a heated topic on the internet. Still, major security breaches in the last couple of years internet and website security have become an important emphasis for search engines, as well as customers. It has gotten to the point where Google has established Chrome to automatically warn users if they’re entering any data on a form that’s hosted on a page that does not have SSL installed.
  • Even before this year, Google had been pushing for a web that operates under constant SSL, referring to the fact that they may contemplate utilizing SSL as part of their ranking algorithm. This, still, never seemed to catch hold, so rather than penalizing website owners for non-SSL, they have put the risk square rely on the shoulders of websites who acknowledge any form of data over non-SSL pages.
  • Utilizing an existing platform to create an open-source site, whether it is a website builder open-source source cms, opens your website up to vulnerabilities that influence all different websites utilizing these platforms. This implies that a vulnerability found on another site utilizing that platform can be utilized to penetrate all different websites utilizing that version of the platform.

4. Scalability and Flexibility

Having a website that can effortlessly prosper as your company evolves, a Website is a pivotal part of taking your business online. Thus, having your digital presence built with a system that is both scalable to acknowledge larger flows of traffic and creative so that it is manageable to add new functionality to the existing platform is crucial for any company looking to expand digitally and globally.


Custom web development is characterized as development executed for a specific customer according to their business requirements. This is contradicted to utilizing free website builders or free design templates that can provide you a standard ready-to-go website — but is it ready to fulfill all the challenges?

It should be remarked that the level of free website builders matters a lot. There are full-fledged content management systems (CMSs) and platforms like Drupal, WordPress, Magento, Laravel, etc.

Website builders are neither scalable nor adaptable, meaning that their lifespan for any significant business is very restricted. Once the lifespan of a website built utilizing a website builder is attained, the business owner will have no option but to switch to either a CMS or a custom-built website.
A thriving journalist and content writer as well, Bhavna has been closely associated with Tritan Solutions. She has completed her graduation in Electronics from prestigious Delhi University. She is currently heading the Marketing and Communication niche of Tritan. She is a cosmopolitan reader and believes in exploring the profusion of seamless opportunities that lie in exploring oneself . "Always be the HEROINE of your life, Not the victim"
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